Last night I half watched a news clip about Bariatric Surgery and the push for this procedure to become publicly funded. With a little research today I found that the ACT has already begun paying for bariatric weight-loss surgery, making taxpayer-funded operations available in the ACT for the first time. Taxpayer-funded weight-loss surgery has been
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weight loss
Working a few days in my local Flannerys health food store, highlights products the average shopper is looking for, and last week was all about weight loss! Luckily, the store I work in doesn’t stock the majority of your ‘so-hot-right-now’ rubbish, but we still have plenty of people coming in searching for the next quick
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It has been a little while since I have managed to get up early of a morning and go for a walk, and of course as you get out of the habit, it becomes easier and easier to sleep in and forget about exercise all together. Catching myself falling into this habit, I set my
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Join us at what are going to be fantastic one-and-a-half day events exploring The ‘F’ Words. 19th & 20th October – Perth and 8th & 9th of February, 2014 Fat, fatigued, and forlorn would be the most familiar ‘F’ Word symptoms experienced by those suffering with underactive adrenal and thyroid conditions – the feature topics
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Oh the irony! From Ninemsn: “Nestle, the company behind Smarties, Chokito and Fantales, has announced it will soon engulf the weight-loss organisation Jenny Craig. The chocolatier and multinational food company said it would acquire, at an undisclosed price, all shares of the group that controls the Jenny Craig franchise in Australia and New Zealand. The
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I was watching this story with interest, and have to say I shook my head at the idiocy of it all and wondered what this Professor was really trying to prove. Mike Adams at Natural News says it well: “(NaturalNews) Over the last month or so, the mainstream media has been making a huge deal
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Oh boy! Now that I’ve announced it officially, I have no choice but to follow through and finish it! For most of my entire life (and that includes childhood) I’ve wanted to be a writer. As a little kid, I wrote great epic horse novels, full of childish dreams and featuring my favourite animals on
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Like many people, I’ve started off the New Year with a resolve to improve both my health and fitness! Even for those of us who have a very health lifestyle, there’s often another level of vitality that can be achieved and minor bad habits to overcome… Having had quite severe thyroid problems for many, many
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As a follow up to the post A Cowboy Goes Vegan, here is the follow up 28 days later. What a great difference a month makes! Now if we could only get him into raw food…. Leisa
This was a question that came up on a beautiful day that my partner William and I spent on a yacht sailing Moreton Bay and enjoying some adventure activities. It was magnificent weather – the sun was shining, a warm breeze was blowing and there were even a few dolphins splashing about the bay. It
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