On the weekend my seven-year-old step-son asked about what the words “free-range” meant on the cartons of eggs in the health food store we were shopping in. He has a deep interest in anything to do with animals, and I love being able to answer questions such as this with more than a two-second reply.
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Yesterday morning we had the television on at home, whilst we were pottering around the kitchen, and a segment came up that grabbed my attention. The topic was on a proposal being submitted to the government, promoting a new star-based nutrional labelling system for food. The idea behind the new proposal, was that a star-based system would enable consumers
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Oh how I love this phrase from UK Raw Foodie, Shazzie! It describes exactly what most supermarket food is all about. If junk food affects our brain (see post “The Twinkie Defense“) then “Stupor-market” is the perfect term for shops where the majority of the food is packaged, processed and devoid of nutrients and life.
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