It’s not often that I take to my blog to alert the world to a fantastic new product – but this is one that I couldn’t wait to share! It’s called Paleo Power …Morning Munch and has been created by my favourite superfood company – Power Super Foods. PSF’s products go way beyond meeting the
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Gluten Free Bread with Three Toppings This is a simple and delicious seed bread that is filling and nourishing. The three combination toppings work really well with it – or you can design the topping of your choice! Ingredients: 1 & 1/2 cups buckwheat, soaked 2 hours then drained well 1 cup sunflower seeds 1/2
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Superfoods can tend to have a bit of a buzz around them these days! Generally, when I think of superfoods, I think of foods that assist the body to reach optimum levels of health and radiance by providing a powerful source of vitamins and minerals in a concentrated form. Superfoods contain extraordinary properties and offer
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Superfoods have indeed taken the Western world by storm. Almost every month a new product hits the shelves that claims to increase your energy, boost your immune system, offer you increased longevity or supply you with a days worth of nutrients in a single serve. I am not immune to these tempting products and my
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I just read an article published in the Sydney Morning Herald, where the author admits to fantasising about Pete Evans contracting a life-threatening illness so that he can put his “food as medicine” beliefs to the test – I’m assuming so that he can fail (and die) so that the author will be vindicated in
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Body Ecology Diet author and founder Donna Gates is holding both a one day introductory course as well a a four day certification in Brisbane in June, along with good friend and colleague, Maria Hunt. I read the Body Ecology Diet some years ago and found that it contained a lot of wisdom and knowledge,
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Last night on a program that I rarely waste time watching – A Current Affair – they had a story on Pete Evans and the Paleo Diet he endorses. I was expecting a completely nasty piece full of misinformation and totally destroying Pete’s character because he supports eating a healthy diet (OMG, how criminal of
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Today I really wanted to write a blog about my new dentist. And I mean a happy blog, not a scary, horror story, set your teeth on edge blog. I just can’t stop telling people about him so decided to tell you too. He is a young dentist who works under the tag lines
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I think most people have now heard of chia seeds. Even if you don’t eat them, you’ve probably seen them at the health food store, the supermarket, or appearing in foods like protein balls and breads. And many people know they are a ‘healthy’ food, even if exactly how or why they are healthy isn’t
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If you read my last blog post, you’ll know that January for me is all about clean eating. Or at least that was what it was meant to be about. And hey, for that second week of January, I did an excellent job! Then the temperature hit the roof and I didn’t leave the house
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