Hanging on my wall I have a quote by Buddha. It goes something along the lines of “In the end, what matters most is: How well did you love? How well did you live? How well did you learn to let go?” I loved this quote enough to buy it and hang it on my wall, but I
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As regular readers of my blog would be aware, I have a passion for mind-body medicine and self-development – having taken myself from being a pretty messed up and traumatised teenager, to the happy, well-balanced (mostly!), person that I am today. A lot of what I have achieved in my life is due to the
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I love the weird, the wonderful and the unexplainable! This was quite an amazing story of a young boy who appears to be the reincarnation of a soldier who died at war. I’ll let you watch the video and make up your own mind up about it! Leisa
Has anyone else had those funny little round balls of light show up in their photographs? I have been noticing these little anomalies showing up at different times, and of course put it down to dust, a trick of the light, the flash, or some other camera issue – however I have had a few photo’s
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Honestly, I am so blessed. This is turning out to be the most incredible week. It wasn’t that the other retreats weren’t special – because they were – this is just turning out to be more intense, more connected, more uplifting and more soulful. There are many factors contributing to this, and I can’t put
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I liked these The Paradoxical Commandments “I wrote these comments back in 1968, when I was nineteen, a college sophomore: 1. People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. 2. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. 3. If you are successful, you will win
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When I was younger I always got caught up in thinking that everyone else was better than I was and knew more than I did, and in my own mind I elevated many people onto a pedestal. I learned very painfully over the years, that very few people are who they appear to be, or
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