Having dinner the other day with a friend of mine, we lamented over the labels that get attached to us over our life span. That morning I had stopped in at a healthy café and ordered a caffeine free chai on coconut milk. Very much taken in by their delicious looking bakery treats I asked
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Can you really affect other people just through the thoughts you think? Have you ever found yourself affected by other peoples thoughts or feelings? Have you ever ‘made’ something happen, just through an extreme desire? We really are far more powerful than most people think! An interesting event occurred for me yesterday that highlighted just
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As often happens, I find a meme, decide to share it on our Embracing Health Facebook page (click here to follow us) and then get inspired to write a blog about the contents of that meme. Today is no different. Today I found a meme that is pictured below. For those who may not be
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Just so you don’t get the wrong idea, this blog post isn’t about bowel movements, constipation or anything that might be happening in that area. Not today. What I am going to talk about today is the other kind of flow. Your universal flow. How you feel your life is going, your job, your relationships,
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On Friday I drove for over an hour to visit a monk (not exactly my usual Friday). In our hour and a half chat, he told me the same things that numerous practitioners and friends have been telling me for the last 10 years. Meditate more. Relax more. Take time out during your day to
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I think I have mentioned before, that during the Embracing Health Detoxification Retreats, we often see themes develop in the groups we get. We have seen the ‘Constipation Group’, the ‘Thyroid Group’, the ‘Headache Group’ and the ‘Low Self Worth Group’. These themes occur purely by the design of the universe and the magic of
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While away in Byron Bay last week for the Embracing Health Detox Retreat, we enjoyed quite a few rough storms during the nights. One morning after a particularly strong storm, I was walking towards the shala when I saw a newly abandon cicada cast (the shell bit, actually called an exuvia upon further research!) on
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Recently I was lucky enough to attend the Embracing Life! Detox Retreat in Ubud, Bali. The retreat was amazing! A life changing experience that I feel so grateful to have been a part of. One part that made it so special was that my partner came with me, and we were able to share the experience
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This is WAY off the track when it comes to health – but I just had to comment! Last night I watched the Jennifer Aniston RomCom movie Bounty Hunter. Even though I prefer movies with some depth and meaning, I still don’t mind throwing on the old RomCom for a bit of “switch off”
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A couple of small incidents happened over the last couple of days which have left me pondering over the meaning of the word commitment. The dictionary says that commitment is “the trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose”. I get the feeling though, that a lot of people see the word commitment in a
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