No, I’m not talking about myself, although many people would describe me that way! I’m talking about natural, nourishing nuts that are an essential part of any genuine whole food / raw food diet. There is even a website dedicated just to nuts! See – they are totally nutty about nuts! Ok, down to the serious side
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This recipe was featured in the Raw Pleasure newsletter and is from Ani Phyo’s book Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Lucuma Ice Kream A rich creamy gelato-like ice cream popular in South America, this flavor is reminiscent of caramel. You don’t need an ice cream maker to enjoy this recipe. Just blend and freeze. Super fast
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In my theme of discussing foods starting with each letter of the alphabet, I had trouble with the letter “E” – if I have trouble with “E” then who knows what will happen when I get to X!!! I thought about eggs, but I mainly talk about raw food here, and even though I have gone through
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Following on from my food related posts “The Amazing Apple”, “The Brilliant Blueberry” and “The Classic Chick-Pea”, comes “The Delicious Date” – one food that is a must in your household pantry. Dates are the fruit from the Date Palm Tree and are cut from the palm and ideally sun-dried. The palms are found in
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Goodness it would be easy to be a chocoholic! It is actually in my genes to love chocolate – truly! My grandmother would eat a 750g block of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk fruit and nut almost every day, she lived on it! Now every time you think of chocolate, instead say “rancid fat, cow pus, mouse
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This recipe comes from Alissa Cohen and is found in her fantastic book “Living on Live Food”; it is just perfect for the holiday season! Many people think that living healthfully on raw food means that you have to go without flavour and enjoyment – but this recipe proves how good raw food can taste! It’s
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