raw recipes

Need Some Kelp?

by Rhianna on October 3, 2013

As a nutritionist, I have a shocking confession to make….. I am not so good at eating kelp and other sea vegetables. There! I said it! I don’t know what it is, possibly the slight damp, salty/fishy taste of most kelps, but these highly nutritious items never seem to make it into my meals. I
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Two Ways To Make Almond Milk

by Leisa on July 30, 2013

I often get asked by people what type of milk they should use in their smoothies or as a milk replacement in their diet. There are so many choices for people nowadays – the plethora of different types of cow’s milk – as well as goat’s milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, almond milk,
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But what do I use instead of Milk?

by Leisa on March 12, 2012

I often get asked by people what type of milk they should use in their smoothies or as a milk replacement in their diet. There are so many choices for people nowadays – the plethora of different types of cow’s milk – as well as goat’s milk, oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, almond milk,
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I’m Writing a Book!

by Leisa on May 27, 2010

Oh boy!  Now that I’ve announced it officially, I have no choice but to follow through and finish it! For most of my entire life (and that includes childhood) I’ve wanted to be a writer.  As a little kid, I wrote great epic horse novels, full of childish dreams and featuring my favourite animals on
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This article came through on the RawReform e-mail bulletin by Angela Stokes, and it was so good I’ve reproduced it here! “Many of us experience challenges trying to help others to eat more healthily. Well, despair ye no longer, help is at hand… Here are ten top tips for helping reluctant people eat more raw…
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December E-Health News

by Leisa on December 13, 2008

The latest edition of E-Health News is available to members, and is a festive issue full of information for the silly season. In this issue I give lots of raw recipes that make a healthy and delicious addition to your Christmas dining table; the main article is about sunlight and vitamin D; we discuss raw
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