processed food

Hidden Names For MSG

by Rhianna on July 8, 2014

A new Japanese restaurant has opened up close to me, and being someone who generally loves Japanese food, my partner and I were quick to try it out. I was particularly attracted to the NO MSG message they displayed on their menus. I have noticed as I have got older, MSG has become more and
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Food, Inc. the Movie is Mainstream!

by Leisa on July 7, 2010

A few nights ago we put on a new release DVD to watch, called Brothers; (a disturbing, but brilliant movie – Tobey Maguire is an incredible actor) and lo and behold in the previews was the movie Food, Inc. I was astounded! This is surely a sign that things are changing and more awareness is
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High Glycemic Foods Damage Arteries

by Leisa on July 29, 2009

“(NaturalNews) Anyone interested in healthy and nutritious foods has probably heard that whole grains are far better for you than the processed variety like white bread and sugar-laden cereals. There are several reasons for this, including the fact whole foods tend to be richer in fiber and they also have low glycemic indexes. That means
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New Sugar Less Bad For You – What?@*!

by Leisa on March 18, 2009

Here we go again, the multi-national companies are trying to jump on the bandwagon of good health and have come up with the ingenious idea of making a healthier alternative to white sugar. White sugar, already a highly processed product that has no place at all in a healthy diet, has been suffering with declining
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MSG Causes Obesity

by Leisa on January 19, 2009

Here is another good reason to avoid any packaged and processed food.  There are very few processed foods that don’t contain some form of the flavour enhancer MSG, and among all it’s other dangerous side effects, (brain damage, inflammation, allergies, hyperactivity) it has been shown to cause obesity. I read about this a long time
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