If anyone nutritionally minded has ever had an argument with someone over whether organic produce is healthier than conventional supermarket fruit and veggies – then all you need to do is stop arguing and just send them to this site: http://www.ota.com/organic/benefits/nutrition.html The website states “Growing crops in healthy soils results in food products that offer healthy nutrients.
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One thing that I like to remind people of, is that they wield enormous power with the choices they make in how to spend their hard earned dollars. If we want to see a change in our world, then we need to vote with our money, as to what industries we want to support and those
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Not long ago I wrote about seven important words on health that author Michael Pollan had to say, namely “Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants”. A statement that seems too simple to be as profound as it actually is. A suggestion, that, if it was adopted by more people, would have far reaching positive
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