
Pay It Forward

by Rhianna on July 17, 2014

I know we are supposed to wake up each day and choose to be happy. I know it can be a conscious decision; we are the ones in charge of our mood and how we decide to feel each day, we have the power. But sometimes you wake up feeling less than great. And making
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How Kind Are You To YOU?

by Rhianna on March 7, 2014

Just a quick blog today on self love. How often do you show yourself that you love you? It is sad to think that the majority of women out there have a head full of negative self talk, rather than positive love and affirmation for their individual, divine beauty. I know it can be hard,
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Spiritual Madness

by Leisa on July 11, 2013

Just recently I’ve been listening to a lot of Caroline Myss, and have been really enjoying delving into the concepts of spirituality that she discusses. One of her talks is entitled “Spiritual Madness” and it has deeply resonated with me. It was 25 years ago, when I was in my teens, that I started on
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I Saw Your Boobs

by Leisa on February 26, 2013

Yesterday I happened to come across a video of a song that was performed at the Academy Awards a day or two ago called “I Saw Your Boobs”. And it made me really angry. You might ask why someone who writes about health, food as medicine, nutrition and emotional healing, wants to write about a song that was
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You Are a Flawless Diamond

by Leisa on February 10, 2013

Spontaneous healing and using the power of the mind to combat disease, have always fascinated me. I have a library full of books delving deeply into this phenomenon, and even though there is not one clear-cut solution on any healing path, there are a myriad of techniques to explore on the way. I was revisiting some of
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Unrealistic Optimism

by Leisa on November 20, 2012

It was in Bali earlier this year, sitting at dinner with my good friend and colleague Carl Massy, when he shared with me me a statement that described part of my personality to a tee, and made me laugh out loud at how perfect it was. He said that I had the character trait of “unrealistic optimism” – and
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