
Prozac Plague

by Leisa on October 21, 2009

I am not a fan of anti-depressant usage by any stretch of imagination.  I believe that they can be used extremely carefully in very traumatic situations, short term only – to assist someone who is in a very bad state and is not in a frame of mind to do what it takes to get well
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My New DVD Just Released!

by Leisa on December 31, 2007

Every week at Hippocrates I do a lecture for the attending students entitled “The Emotional Aspects of Healing”.  Mind-body medicine, healing through emotional release, personal growth, spirituality and human potential, are themes that have permeated my life in many ways.  I have studied, experienced and immersed in these topics and it has led me on
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The Story of Stuff

by Leisa on December 29, 2007

The Story of Stuff is a 20 minute animated video/film you can watch online, that presents its important message in a very simple, yet entertaining way. The movie explains in straightforward, powerful terms why our present system of ever-accelerating production and consumption is unsustainable, unjust and unfulfilling, and makes the case that it doesn’t have
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The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation

by Leisa on December 26, 2007

I recently came across one of David Wolfe’s pet projects.  Those of you who have researched raw food would be familiar with David.  He has written the books Naked Chocolate, Eating for Beauty and the Sun Food Diet Success system; and is something of a guru in the raw food movement. This project though, is one that
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Further to my post a few days ago regarding low iron levels, one of the factors that I often find in my low iron patients is a digestive disorder where the levels of stomach acid are too low for good mineral absorption. Many minerals need a certain level of pH in the stomach for them
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Five Aspects of Health

by Leisa on November 30, 2007

Often I see at Hippocrates Health Centre, people who are so focused on their physical health, that they have let all the other areas in their life slide as they pursue the ultimate goal of a fit health body due to a perfect diet. But good health is more than just a lot of raw
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Reformed Food Nag :-)

by Leisa on November 2, 2007

This is one area that I have been SO guilty of in the past and that is becoming a bore around food and health. It is one thing to have your own views and your own way of eating, but to push it onto others to the point where you become annoying, judgmental or no
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