
The Brilliance Of Elizabeth Gilbert

by Leisa on February 1, 2016

I am definitely an Elizabeth Gilbert fan. I know there is a huge divide between the “lovers” and “haters” when it comes to her bestselling novel Eat. Pray. Love. but I found the authenticity in her book and the integrity in Gilbert’s writing to be something quite lovely. And listening to her since, especially when
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How Full Is Your Cuddle Tank?

by Rhianna on November 20, 2014

As I opened the internet this morning I found my home page had decided to change from Google to MSN. I don’t know why this happens and I actually find it quite annoying, but before I could reset my page back to normal a featured story caught my eye. Apparently a woman in Portland, Oregon
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Accepting The Grand Design

by Rhianna on July 24, 2013

Hanging on my wall I have a quote by Buddha. It goes something along the lines of “In the end, what matters most is: How well did you love? How well did you live? How well did you learn to let go?” I loved this quote enough to buy it and hang it on my wall, but I
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New Year Resolutions, or Real Life?

by Leisa on January 1, 2013

Here we are, another year flashed by in an instant and my head is left spinning at the speed with which the last year passed by! Is time speeding up, or are we just trying to fit more in? 2012 was a year of challenges – so many of my friends and family were pushed
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Resolutions to Realities – Using VB!

by Rhianna on January 12, 2012

I would like to introduce Rhianna Smith who will be guest blogging on this site, on a regular basis. Rhi is a naturopath and nutritionist who works with me and is an integral part of the Embracing Health Team. You can view her Guest Blogger Bio here. I’m sure you will enjoy her writing as
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The Magic Of Ho’oponpono

by Leisa on July 22, 2011

I learned of the healing process of Ho’oponopono many years ago and was fascinated by this ancient practice founded in Hawaii. Last weekend I was at an event at the Hawaiian Sanctuaryon the Big Island of Hawaii, where there were several speakers including  David Wolfe, the wonderful Aussie permaculture goddess Tania Leilani, and we were
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Humpback Whale Freed

by Leisa on July 18, 2011

I saw this video recently by Michael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), who narrates his encounter with a young humpback whale entangled in local fishing nets, in the video below. And this started me thinking about human nature. How is that some people will dedicate their lives to protecting and saving these beautiful creatures,
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Madly In Love With Me

by Leisa on February 3, 2011

A while ago I bought a fantastic book called “Choosing Me Before We” by Christine Arylo, a book all about loving yourself first, something that many of us are not very familiar with!  Christine and a friend of hers Amy Ahlers, run a course called “Inner Mean Girl Reform School” which I think is such
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