Many a time I see a patient in clinic that suffers from quite severe food cravings that they have been unable to control. Often it is a craving for carbohydrates in any form, whether it be a bread, sugar or alcohol addiction; or it may be for chocolate or other types of dairy products. There
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I received an e-mail before Christmas from an author that has a site called Cancer Defeated, telling the story of what one family did to help their little boy survive cancer. I thought it was an excellent overview of what can be achieved with natural medicine, and how it can work alongside allopathic medicine when
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This is the conclusion of Michael Pollan, an author who has written some fantastic books on food from a very unique and entertaining perspective. I review one of his books “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” in the January issue of my newsletter (subscribe above, top right corner to receive your copy!). He talks about his new book,
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Oh yes, you did read correctly. The genius Australian Medical Association has proposed a plan to provide free lap-band surgery for obese teenagers in Victoria. It is a $40.5 million dollar proposal that will see 3000 operations performed over three years. Apparently “health groups” have backed the plan, although any “health group” that backs this
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This is a question that I often ask myself, especially when dealing with people that are often not willing to change what needs to be changed, to allow healing to take place. I think there are many perspectives that can come out of such a question, but the important one for me is “What can
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The Story of Stuff is a 20 minute animated video/film you can watch online, that presents its important message in a very simple, yet entertaining way. The movie explains in straightforward, powerful terms why our present system of ever-accelerating production and consumption is unsustainable, unjust and unfulfilling, and makes the case that it doesn’t have
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As promised in a previous blog message, I would prove that I am not completely boring and obsessed, and occasionally I do break right out and do something totally out of character This was the most enormous plate of pancakes with banana, chocolate sauce, ice cream and cream – totally delicious but there was certainly
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I recently came across one of David Wolfe’s pet projects. Those of you who have researched raw food would be familiar with David. He has written the books Naked Chocolate, Eating for Beauty and the Sun Food Diet Success system; and is something of a guru in the raw food movement. This project though, is one that
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This recipe comes from Alissa Cohen and is found in her fantastic book “Living on Live Food”; it is just perfect for the holiday season! Many people think that living healthfully on raw food means that you have to go without flavour and enjoyment – but this recipe proves how good raw food can taste! It’s
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Further to my post a few days ago regarding low iron levels, one of the factors that I often find in my low iron patients is a digestive disorder where the levels of stomach acid are too low for good mineral absorption. Many minerals need a certain level of pH in the stomach for them
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