No, this isn’t an analysis of the mental status of the brilliant artist Van Gogh – but is the name of a new restaurant in the Philippines! We all know that “food can improve your mood”, but this restaurant takes it to another level Filipinos can eat themselves happy at Van Gogh is Bipolar “It’s
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From The Daily Mail UK “An obsession with eating healthily could in fact be bad for your health, scientists warn. Those who deny themselves entire food groups or worry too much about the ‘purity’ of their meals are risking their mental and physical wellbeing. Experts have reported a rise in such extreme behaviour, known as
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Let’s see if you can pick what is wrong with the story below from Ninemsn “A much healthier-looking Patrick Swayze has stepped out in Los Angeles in a cowboy hat and dark sunglasses. New photos of Swayze, who is suffering from pancreatic cancer, show the actor has come a long way in the three months
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I’ve written before about how easy it is for me to forget that most of the population don’t view food and healing the same way that I do! Food, health and healing are a daily experience for me – I live it, I read about it, I research it, I teach it and I associate
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I was talking to a friend today and we were discussing how different foods make us feel and we realised that there was more to “comfort eating” than meets the eye. We will find day to day that our thoughts, feelings and actions are congruent – meaning that if we feel a certain way we
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Following on from the topic of my last blog post, I found this video of a talk by Mark Bittman, where he explains in a really great way, what is wrong with what we eat. Maybe not what I eat or maybe even not what you eat either – but he speaks in a very down to earth
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In various situations either in clinical practice or just in my daily interactions with people, I invariably get asked – “What can I do about X condition?” It might be arthritis, or diabetes or one of any number of chronic health problems. Unfortunately, this is a question that I find really hard to answer, because there
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If anyone nutritionally minded has ever had an argument with someone over whether organic produce is healthier than conventional supermarket fruit and veggies – then all you need to do is stop arguing and just send them to this site: The website states “Growing crops in healthy soils results in food products that offer healthy nutrients.
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This looks like it will be a great movie! I can’t wait until it comes out and I’m sure it will be one to add to my DVD collection on health topics. You can view the trailer of the movie here WELCOME TO FOOD MATTERS Food Matters is a documentary film informing you on the best
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Not long ago I wrote about seven important words on health that author Michael Pollan had to say, namely “Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants”. A statement that seems too simple to be as profound as it actually is. A suggestion, that, if it was adopted by more people, would have far reaching positive
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