
Do You Suffer With Food Cravings?

by Leisa on July 24, 2013

Many people suffer from quite severe food cravings that they feel unable to control, sending them into a spiral of self-recrimination and guilt.  Often the craving is for carbohydrates in any form, whether it be a bread, sugar, potato chips or alcohol addiction; or it may be for chocolate or other types of dairy products.
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Overcoming the Food Imprint

by Leisa on June 8, 2009

A little while ago I watched a documentary by Valya Boutenko called “Overcoming the Food Imprint – the Origin of Our Cravings” and was very impressed with what she has put together. Asking questions such as “How can we transform destructive eating patterns and become free of compulsive eating?” and “What can be done to
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Being Authentic

by Leisa on September 9, 2008

I really like this quote from one of my favourite books by Charles Eisenstein, The Yoga of Eating: “A discrepancy between what we eat and who we are in the world generates a kind of tension, which is resolved either when the diet moves back in line with the person’s incarnate role, or when the
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What is Underneath Those Food Cravings?

by Leisa on March 3, 2008

Many a time I see a patient in clinic that suffers from quite severe food cravings that they have been unable to control.  Often it is a craving for carbohydrates in any form, whether it be a bread, sugar or alcohol addiction; or it may be for chocolate or other types of dairy products. There
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