A small Australian study has just been released showing that a diet high in fibre is a key indicator in what is called “successful aging” – defined as not suffering from disability, depression, dementia, respiratory problems, cancer, heart disease or stroke. The article states: “Dr Bamini Gopinath, from The Westmead Institute for Medical Research in
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complete digestion stool analysis
There was a post doing the rounds on Facebook yesterday with a “health tip” that claimed to cure arthritis, heartburn, and various other chronic illnesses. The only thing was, that the people sharing this miraculous “health tip” had no idea what they were talking about, or the long term damage that could be done if
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I have wanted to write this blog post for a while now. These past 10 days in beautiful Bali with some very special Embracing Health Detox Retreat guests has highlighted this topic for me again, and I am lucky to have found a quiet moment to write it down. The truth about leaky gut is
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A little while ago I posted a blog about what results you might find doing a Saliva Hormone Test. I thought it was only fair to write a similar blog about my favourite test of all, the Digestion Health Test! Some of you may remember a few years ago when I did this test on
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Colonic Irrigation made it into the mainstream media this week – but as usual the article was incredibly one-sided and slammed colonics as being dangerous. It trotted out some old myths and used misinformation to attempt to show that colonics have no benefit whatsoever, and could in fact, harm people’s health. The Daily Mail writes:
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One of the most common “irritating complaints” I see on a regular basis, are people struggling with the symptoms of Candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, the medical profession doesn’t really give much guidance when it comes to this problem. Patients of mine have actually been told “Well, that’s what you get for not eating enough yoghurt”. Others
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Stress is a very common complaint today, with many of us feeling over-worked, under pressure and without enough hours in the day to get everything done. Besides the problems we often associate with stress, such as tension and anxiety, insomnia and headaches – the digestive system is one that is badly affected by stress. Many people
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Ok, this post could very well be classed as just a little bit too much information, but I couldn’t help sharing While at the Byron Bay Retreat, I decided to have a series of colonics – I happen to LOVE colonics (is that weird?) but I think the whole cleansing process is so good
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