After writing yesterday’s post about the “Paleo Pete” story on A Current Affair, the comment made by the host after the close of the segment, got me thinking. As the program came to an end the host stated “Everything in moderation, is what they say“, basically affirming that “they” (whoever “they” are) must have a
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adrenal fatigue
It seems like a contradiction in terms, but sometimes feeling completely frantic and anxious can be a sign of fatigue. When someone is suffering from adrenal exhaustion, the hormone cortisol is not being produced in optimal amounts. Alongside the common symptoms of adrenal insufficiency, such as low blood pressure (dizziness on standing up quickly), salt
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Working a few days in my local Flannerys health food store, highlights products the average shopper is looking for, and last week was all about weight loss! Luckily, the store I work in doesn’t stock the majority of your ‘so-hot-right-now’ rubbish, but we still have plenty of people coming in searching for the next quick
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I have to say, I love testing!!! I am so lucky and grateful that medicine has developed methods of testing that we naturopaths can use to identify problems we suspect in our patients. In the past, naturopaths have always taken detailed case histories, looked at physical signs and symptoms and deduced what is the most
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It has been a little while since I have managed to get up early of a morning and go for a walk, and of course as you get out of the habit, it becomes easier and easier to sleep in and forget about exercise all together. Catching myself falling into this habit, I set my
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Just recently I’ve been listening to a lot of Caroline Myss, and have been really enjoying delving into the concepts of spirituality that she discusses. One of her talks is entitled “Spiritual Madness” and it has deeply resonated with me. It was 25 years ago, when I was in my teens, that I started on
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We often hear loud protests from the medical community that natural medicine is “unscientific” because many nutrients, herbs, foods and therapies have not undergone the Gold Standard for the scientific industry – the double blind placebo controlled trial. Natural medicine, because of it’s holistic quality, can never conform to industry standards because you cannot measure
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How many times have you heard the word “diet” today? Maybe you saw it on TV, perhaps on the covers of the magazines on the coffee table, or on food packaging. How many of your friends and family have talked about “going on a diet” after Christmas? I don’t think a day goes by where
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