Today I really wanted to write a blog about my new dentist. And I mean a happy blog, not a scary, horror story, set your teeth on edge blog. I just can’t stop telling people about him so decided to tell you too. He is a young dentist who works under the tag lines
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Depression is such a common disorder today, with some of the highest selling drugs on the market being anti-depressants. People are having trouble coping with life, and there is not just one factor that contributes to depression, but many angles to explore in the uncovering of what is actually going on. Certainly poor food choices
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Alternative medicine is under the spotlight in Australia, with calls to end private health insurance rebates for any natural healing modalities – rebates that are partly subsidised by the government. Recently on the 7.30 program on the ABC, the story “Should alternative medicines have their government rebate cut?” highlighted a draft report showing no proof
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I think most people have now heard of chia seeds. Even if you don’t eat them, you’ve probably seen them at the health food store, the supermarket, or appearing in foods like protein balls and breads. And many people know they are a ‘healthy’ food, even if exactly how or why they are healthy isn’t
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If you read my last blog post, you’ll know that January for me is all about clean eating. Or at least that was what it was meant to be about. And hey, for that second week of January, I did an excellent job! Then the temperature hit the roof and I didn’t leave the house
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I’ve just read an article reviewing a book called Cut the Cr*p: The No-Nonsense Plan For A Healthy Body And Mind by “The Grit Doctor” author Ruth Field, and the uninformed, ignorant bulls**t she is promoting, just makes my blood boil! You can read the article here: As someone who has struggled with their weight
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There is an epidemic coming—but it’s not a rampant, infectious pandemic that many live in fear of, hyped to hysteria by an alarmist and sensationalist-loving media. It is much more insidious than that—stealthily stalking millions of unwary people, and even now reaching such extraordinary numbers that we should be sitting up and taking notice. The
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As many of you know, over the past couple of years I’ve been devoting a lot of my time and energy into writing a book that deals with the issues of fatigue. I called it “The ‘F’ Word Solution: Fed up with feeling fat, fatigued and forgotten? Finally, the formula for a fun, fit and
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Following on from Rhianna’s “No Resolutions 2015” post yesterday, I wanted to share my own thoughts about the New Year, which funnily enough are very much along the same lines as Rhi! (which we only realised after we both started writing very similar blog posts!) Being a brand new year, it is a wonderful time
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As you can see from the title, this is not a ‘Let’s Set New Year’s Resolutions’ blog. This year I simply can’t face resolutions, or the guilt I’ll feel on breaking them. So I’ve decided to change things up in 2015, do away with resolutions and focus on longer term goals instead! ‘Cause I know
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