The Story of Stuff is a 20 minute animated video/film you can watch online, that presents its important message in a very simple, yet entertaining way. The movie explains in straightforward, powerful terms why our present system of ever-accelerating production and consumption is unsustainable, unjust and unfulfilling, and makes the case that it doesn’t have
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As promised in a previous blog message, I would prove that I am not completely boring and obsessed, and occasionally I do break right out and do something totally out of character This was the most enormous plate of pancakes with banana, chocolate sauce, ice cream and cream – totally delicious but there was certainly
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I recently came across one of David Wolfe’s pet projects. Those of you who have researched raw food would be familiar with David. He has written the books Naked Chocolate, Eating for Beauty and the Sun Food Diet Success system; and is something of a guru in the raw food movement. This project though, is one that
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This recipe comes from Alissa Cohen and is found in her fantastic book “Living on Live Food”; it is just perfect for the holiday season! Many people think that living healthfully on raw food means that you have to go without flavour and enjoyment – but this recipe proves how good raw food can taste! It’s
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Further to my post a few days ago regarding low iron levels, one of the factors that I often find in my low iron patients is a digestive disorder where the levels of stomach acid are too low for good mineral absorption. Many minerals need a certain level of pH in the stomach for them
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For most people a holiday means lots of reckless self-indulgence, eating rich food and drinking lots of alcohol – but my most recent holiday didn’t involve any of that at all. Yes, my family and friends think I’m a bit strange (!), but my partner William (who is as health conscious as I am) and
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This is one of the most fun tools that I’ve ever used to power up my visualisation and manifesting skills. I grew up with books like “Creative Visualisation” and have always set goals and done up the old fashioned storyboards where you paste pictures of things to represent your goals – such as places you
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Further to my post a few days ago about needing to fight the government plan to fluoridate the water in QLD, there is legal action being mounted by the QAWF (Queenslander’s Against Water Fluoridation Inc.). They are undertaking an enormous challenge to protect the public from mass medication by a known toxic substance, and they
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Whenever I have a person come in to my clinic complaining of fatigue, one mineral deficiency often comes to mind -the commonly known but much neglected Iron. Iron levels are of prime importance for many reasons. • For the formation of Haemoglobin, the oxygen carrying part of our red blood cells • For the formation of Myoglobin,
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The mass medication of Queenslander’s by toxic Sodium Fluoride has again come under the spotlight due to the QLD Premier Anna Bligh’s push for this industrial waste product to be added to our water supply. A radio advertising campaign is underway to assure the public that the government is introducing this to save our children’s
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