I have always seen the recognition of our feelings as a way of connecting with our true and authentic selves, rather than seeing them as something we need to “overcome” in this life. Life without feeling, to me, is a life only half-lived, and to abandon the texture and colour that feeling gives to life, is to deny
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In my theme of discussing foods starting with each letter of the alphabet, I had trouble with the letter “E” – if I have trouble with “E” then who knows what will happen when I get to X!!! I thought about eggs, but I mainly talk about raw food here, and even though I have gone through
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“Australia has become the fattest nation in the world, with more than 9 million adults now rated as obese or overweight, according to an alarming new report. The most definitive picture of the national obesity crisis to date has found that Australians now outweigh Americans and face a future “fat bomb” that could cause 123,000
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That’s right, the pharmaceutical companies are at it again, making up diseases so that they can treat these fictitious problems with a drug. Which is fine for adults, who, if they only care to research even a little bit, can find out the dangers of prescription medication for themselves, but this latest push is to medicate
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This is the title of Chapter 2 of Michael Pollan’s great book “In Defense of Food”, and I love the concept that he reveals – that we have become blinded by the ideology of “nutritionism.” “In the case of nutritionism,” Pollan writes “the widely shared but unexamined assumption is that the key to understanding food
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Today I was the lucky recipient of a Random Act of Kindness, and it absolutely made my day! My friend, colleague and brilliant Natural Fertility Specialist, Trudy, surprised me today with a gift for absolutely no reason at all, except to make me feel good. It was a huge mug (for herbal tea of course!)
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I don’t read major newspapers because I don’t believe in supporting their mainly misinformed views, corporate and political pandering, and negative stories with my dollars. But yesterday I was visiting my family and flicked through one of the Sunday papers they had next to the lounge. As I turned the pages, a health story grabbed
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Following on from my food related posts “The Amazing Apple”, “The Brilliant Blueberry” and “The Classic Chick-Pea”, comes “The Delicious Date” – one food that is a must in your household pantry. Dates are the fruit from the Date Palm Tree and are cut from the palm and ideally sun-dried. The palms are found in
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For most of my life I have had a passion for not only physical healing, but for healing on an emotional and spiritual level as well – and that has led me to all sorts of discoveries and insights over the years. One area that I have had enormous trouble with myself though, is learning
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Following on from the topic of my last blog post, I found this video of a talk by Mark Bittman, where he explains in a really great way, what is wrong with what we eat. Maybe not what I eat or maybe even not what you eat either – but he speaks in a very down to earth
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