When it comes to health there is always a new superstar food, supplement, herb or drink that is touted to cure cancer, reverse aging, prevent heart disease and pay off your mortgage (OK, I made that last one up – but hang on – some of those MLM companies DO claim that!!). I always keep
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I just finished watching a great documentary called The Corporation, and even though it has been out for a while, this was my first viewing of it. I can highly recommend it to anyone that has an interest in why the world is the way it is, and how we got into this mess (environment,
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Happy New Year everyone! It is New Years Day, and even though I know a lot of the population are tired and nursing hang-overs from last night’s celebrations, that is far from the picture in our house I must be getting old! but anything past 9.30pm is past my bedtime, and alcohol just makes
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As the year 2008 comes to a close, it has been a time for reviewing the year just gone and setting goals, dreams and desires for the next. I have to say that if I was going to sum up 2008 in few words it would be “the year of contrasts”. There were huge ups
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I hope everyone that celebrates Christmas had a fantastic day yesterday! We celebrate Christmas by having a family get together, as many Aussies do, by sharing gifts, having a festive lunch (yes, I made lots of yummy RAW recipes), and relaxing all afternoon around the pool and on the deck of my sister’s home. Christmas has
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The short, inspirational Christmas story below was originally published in the December 14, 1982 issue of Woman’s Day magazine. This moving story inspired the creation of The White Envelope Project, a caring nonprofit organization dedicated to developing the next generation of givers, civic leaders, and philanthropists. May this inspirational story remind us all of the
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I found these quotes in David Wolfe’s The Sunfood Success System: “The constitution of man’s body has not changed to meet the new conditions of his artificial environment that has replaced his natural one. The result is that of perpetual discord between man and his environment. The effect of this discord is a general deterioration of man’s body,
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As a follow up to my post about Diabetes a few days ago, I found a blog by Ian Blair Hamilton of Ion Life in Byron Bay, who screened “Raw For 30 Days – Reversing Diabetes” locally. In his blog post, he writes “Now you’d think that a movie about curing diabetes naturally would bring diabetics,
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I love juicing. It is such a boost for the body, drinking those concentrated nutrients and pure water to nourish our cells without our body having to do very much digestive work at all. The best juices are green, with only small amounts of sugary or sweet vegetables or fruits such as carrot, beetroot or apple.
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Isn’t this scary? “(NaturalNews) The National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has announced the early cancellation of one part of a major diabetes and cardiovascular disease study after discovering that patients undergoing that treatment were more likely to die from heart attacks and strokes. The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk
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