No, I’m not talking about myself, although many people would describe me that way! I’m talking about natural, nourishing nuts that are an essential part of any genuine whole food / raw food diet. There is even a website dedicated just to nuts! See – they are totally nutty about nuts! Ok, down to the serious side
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I’m just back from another of the awesome Embracing Life! Six Day Detox, Healing and Raw Food Retreat’s, and I cannot tell you how excited I am that the vision I had for these retreats has come to fruition in the most beautiful of ways. I think I’ve written a little bit about this before –
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I’ve written before about how easy it is for me to forget that most of the population don’t view food and healing the same way that I do! Food, health and healing are a daily experience for me – I live it, I read about it, I research it, I teach it and I associate
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I love reading old books on health and food, and find some of the concepts and ideas absolutely fascinating! Some are just plain wrong, and it can be really funny to read how adamant some of the writers are about their particular point of view – and with the limited information that they had at
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This should be fun! I would like to invite any local readers of my blog to consider coming along and treating yourself to a weekend away at Couran Cove Island Resort on South Stradbroke Island 19th – 21st June. I have been invited to host a “Healthy Hideaway Weekend” that Couran Cove are putting on as
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In other parts of Australia it is starting to get much cooler as we move well into Autumn, and we’ve just started getting some cooler nights here on the Gold Coast. I have written before about keeping warm in winter with raw food, but I just wanted to remind everyone of a simple tool that
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Sometimes I think the world has just gone plain mad! With all the fear and craziness around the “swine flu”, people seem to have forgotten how to think for themselves and evaluate a situation – it seems like most people just take the what the media says as gospel truth…. We have the fluoride debate where a
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Calling all health conscious people local to the Gold Coast! If you live within driving distance of the Gold Coast, I would like to invite you to a screening of Dr. Fred Bisci’s brand new DVD “Your Journey to a Healthy Lifestyle” this Thursday evening 7th of May at 7pm. It is being hosted by
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Melons are a wonderful fruit to enjoy regularly, especially when they are in season and nice and ripe and juicy! In correct food combining melons should be eaten by themselves and not combined with any other fruits or foods. They are best eaten on an empty stomach and make a great start to the day
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I’ve been watching with interest the scare campaigns heating up on television about the swine flu – and I think we need to look beyond the hype and decide for ourselves what is really going on. Vaccination and medication are being pushed as the treatments of choice – yet neither of these options have been
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