Australia Day Long Weekend 3 Day Raw Food Rainforest Retreat Uki, NSW 23rd – 26th January, 2010 Instead of sitting at home sweltering in the summer heat this Australia Day long weekend, why not join us for a refreshing raw food experience in the lush Uki rainforest of Northern NSW – only 40
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In my quest to educate people on the health subjects that can make a real difference to the quality of their lives, in simple and understandable language – I have a Membership Club where I produce a Membership Magazine, Audio Interviews and special offers from time to time. Over the last 12 months the Membership
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As a follow up to the post A Cowboy Goes Vegan, here is the follow up 28 days later. What a great difference a month makes! Now if we could only get him into raw food…. Leisa
Natural News: “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today stands accused of taking part in the kidnapping and illegal extradition of a permanent resident of Ecuador, in violation of both international law and Ecuadorian law. Greg Caton, owner and operator of Alpha Omega Labs (, an herbal products company that sells anti-cancer herbal remedies made
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COMING IN FEBRUARY 2010 – MATTHEW SAMUELSON’S VISIT TO AUSTRALIA February is going to be a raw food extravaganza as we have not only David Wolfe and Bruce Horowitz touring the Aussie continent but you can also be a part of the sensational dining experiences and raw food intensive’s as provided by Raw Gourmet Chef
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I love eating raw food, I love educating people about increasing the amount of raw foods in their diet and I love doing raw retreats and detoxing with a bunch of great people! What I don’t love is the aspect of raw foodism where people turn their diets into an almost religious fervour of righteousness
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Natural News “When it comes to selling chemicals that claim to treat H1N1 swine flu, the pharmaceutical industry’s options are limited to two: Vaccines and anti-virals. The most popular anti-viral, by far, is Tamiflu, a drug that’s actually derived from a Traditional Chinese Medicine herb called star anise. But Tamiflu is no herb. It’s a potentially
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Ninemsn: “Schools are teaching children to grow and cook healthy food in hopes of stopping the spread of Australia’s obesity plague. Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon on Wednesday opened a kitchen garden at Bondi Public School in Sydney’s east, as part of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. The $12.8 million program will be extended to
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Rawfoodini is a new community and information website set up by a friend of mine! It is a beautiful looking website full of great news and inspiration “Live Until You Die” Raw Foodini Group is a pioneering new company, which is firmly rooted at the heart of discovering and embracing optimum health and vitality.
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I’m now on twitter everyone! Go to Twitter and look for me – LeisaRavenscroft – and then click on the button to follow me! I look forward to sharing tweets with you! Leisa