I was watching this story with interest, and have to say I shook my head at the idiocy of it all and wondered what this Professor was really trying to prove. Mike Adams at Natural News says it well: “(NaturalNews) Over the last month or so, the mainstream media has been making a huge deal
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Thyroid problems are an area that I have studied in depth, having suffered myself with hypothyroidism, and been subjected to the incompetence of several medical practitioners before I found the answers myself. Since then, I’ve found thyroid issues are one of the most mis-understood and mis-diagnosed conditions today. Dr John Lowe is one of the foremost
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I really enjoyed this movie when I saw it a while ago. I think it was a really interesting insight into how most of us would handle lowering our environmental impact, coming from a modern western society lifestyle. The challenges, hardships, benefits and changes that the family went through were very real and honest. “Writer Colin
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From: Thryoid.about.com “The Hormone Foundation — part of the Endocrine Society — has released a controversial “fact sheet” series, titled “Myth Vs. Fact”. One of their sheets is titled “Adrenal Fatigue” and attacks the very existence of the condition, stating, “Adrenal fatigue is not a real medical condition. There are no scientific facts to support
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Ok, this post could very well be classed as just a little bit too much information, but I couldn’t help sharing While at the Byron Bay Retreat, I decided to have a series of colonics – I happen to LOVE colonics (is that weird?) but I think the whole cleansing process is so good
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During the last week of October, a very special group of people gathered together at the Embracing Life! Byron Bay Retreat, ready to detox, but not knowing quite how deep they were going to go, and how powerful the experience was going to be. This beautiful group were ready, open and willing to experience whatever
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This is the announcement that everyone has been waiting for! David Wolfe is coming back to Australia in February 2011 for a tour that is going to bigger and better than this year’s tour, which was a huge success! Listen to the 19 minute interview I did with David about the upcoming tour, and hear
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This is the question I get asked most often at the retreats, and there is no one set answer to most queries. One of the understandings I have developed over the years, after talking with thousands of people about their health, is that the overwhelming majority of people want to be healthy, but without becoming a raw
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I’ve been watching with a lot of interest what is happening in the world of government policy and medicine in Australia, and this news alert came through from Sarah’s Wish News: “NEWS ALERT: New Bill Could Compel Doctors to Force Medicine on South Australians Last year’s pandemic alert has led to radical new health laws.
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I am a huge fan of Neale Donald Walsch – the author of the Conversation With God series – and I love the questions he asks to provoke deeper thought about our lives. This one came through in an e-mail, and I wanted to share it here: “On this day of your life, dear friend,
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