Vegetable Gardening is a Crime?

by Leisa on July 19, 2011

Only in America! We hope 🙂 We want to see MORE veggie gardens in people’s homes, not less! From ABC news: Julie Bass faces the prospect of going to jail for what she’s growing in her front yard. The illegal growth is tomatos. And zuchinis, peppers and other edible and what normally would be legal
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Humpback Whale Freed

by Leisa on July 18, 2011

I saw this video recently by Michael Fishbach, co-founder of The Great Whale Conservancy (GWC), who narrates his encounter with a young humpback whale entangled in local fishing nets, in the video below. And this started me thinking about human nature. How is that some people will dedicate their lives to protecting and saving these beautiful creatures,
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The Horseriding Guru

by Leisa on July 17, 2011

I love synchronicities (as I wrote about in this post here) and love meeting new people when travelling and being amazed at who turns up on your path. One of the things I really wanted to do whilst in Hawaii, was go for a horse-ride in the lush Hawaiian landscape. So I found a place
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Zucchini Pasta Napolitana Feast!

by Leisa on July 13, 2011

In my last post I talked about eating healthfully while travelling, and today I thought I would share with you one of the simple meals my travel buddy Tim made for us last night. And yes, we have a blender. At the farmers markets we bought fresh zucchini, tomatoes, avocado, garlic, onion, basil and parsley.
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Eating Healthfully While Travelling

by Leisa on July 11, 2011

I love to travel, and lucky for me I do a bit of travelling with my work – but even more fun is holidaying in new countries and exploring new cultures. So how do you keep to a healthy diet while you are on the road (or in the air!)? I know there are some 100% raw
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A Healthy Alternative to Sandwiches

by Leisa on July 9, 2011

One of the most difficult things to give up when moving to a healthier or mainly raw lifestyle is processed bread products. Buying a loaf of bread is convenient and easy – you can make toast for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch – it is almost completely ingrained in our psyche that bread is a staple of our
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 On Saturday July 16th there is going to be a great all day event held on the Gold Coast, with some amazing speakers that you don’t want to miss! Wake Up! Vibrant Health & Toxic-Free Living Seminar Weight Loss: Hormones: Anti-aging: Simple Nutrition Speakers: Sherrill Sellman Cyndi O’Meara Narelle Chenery Nicole Bijlsma Saturday, July 16,
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We live in such a medicalised society where taking over-the-counter and prescription drugs is such a normal everyday occurence that we often don’t stop to think about the dangers of common medicines. All medications come with some side-effects – being chemical compounds that are not natural to our body – and they all disturb our physiology in
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Living With a Thyroid Disorder

by Leisa on July 5, 2011

One of the best ways to learn about something, is to experience it yourself. Many naturopaths come to this industry due to their own health issues, which they found didn’t respond to mainstream medicine and they went on the search for alternatives. Their experience of ill health and recovery gives them a lot of empathy and understanding.
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Languaging – Do You Own Your Talk?

by Leisa on June 6, 2011

In my DVD talk The Emotional Aspects of Healing, there is a section where I discuss the importance of being aware of the way we speak – the words we say, our habitual expressions, and the meaning behind our words. Our words can be a reflection of our beliefs, of how we view life, and we
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