Just last weekend I spend three days at the Metagenics 2010 International Congress, and as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I loved every minute of it. Metagenics is a company which produces naturopathic grade supplements – and even though I like to use food as medicine as my main treatment plan –
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My Opinion
This weekend I am in Sydney for the Metagenics Congress – three days of intensive seminars on some of the latest breakthroughs in functional medicine, with international speakers and 500 naturopath’s, doctors and health practitioners from all over Australia gathering together. It is such a treat to be attending and I am loving every minute
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“(NaturalNews) It’s well-established that exposure to ionizing radiation can trigger mutations and other genetic damage and cause normal cells to become malignant. So it seems amazing how mainstream medicine frequently dismisses the idea that medical imaging tests from mammograms to CT scans could play much of a role in causing breast cancer. Take this example
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Last night William and I went along to see raw food speaker Paul Nison on the Gold Coast, and even though it was quite a small event (where are all the raw foodies on the Gold Coast?), he was well worth seeing. Even though I’ve been studying health and nutrition for a long, long time,
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This is WAY off the track when it comes to health – but I just had to comment! Last night I watched the Jennifer Aniston RomCom movie Bounty Hunter. Even though I prefer movies with some depth and meaning, I still don’t mind throwing on the old RomCom for a bit of “switch off”
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Just last week I received a letter from Metagenics, one of the premier naturopathic supplement companies in Australia and the US, notifying me of a natural product which had been taken from being freely available for naturopath’s to prescribe, and had been classed as an S4 medication which is now only available on prescription. For years
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My goodness, what is it with the medical industry that makes them so scared of our natural approach to health that they have to use claims like this to try and frighten the public away from what we do? From ninemsn: “Herbal remedies can kill, says an Australian forensic pathologist, who warns against the “false perception”
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Anyone who has been to one of my Embracing Life! Retreats is likely to be familiar with what I teach and what I stand for – and that is not necessarily a 100% raw raw vegan diet – but one that continues to evolve and develop over time as people learn to move to healthier
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Who would have thought that there could be an up-side to obesity? Well, here it is: Obesity Threatens US Army Recruitment: “Increasing rates of obesity among young Americans could undermine the future of the US military, with potential recruits increasingly too fat to serve, two retired generals say. “Obesity rates threaten the overall health of
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I admire perfectionism, I have a healthy dose of this trait myself – but it is when perfectionist tendencies turn rigid that they become a problem – both for the person with the stratospheric expectations, and for those around them. Perfectionism – the need for things to be 100% perfect all the time, can engender
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