
Health Freedom

by Leisa on November 11, 2007

Just this week a story came through talking about the health freedoms that New Zealander’s currently enjoy, that have been destroyed in other countries. It is no exaggeration that our health freedoms and the availability of vitamins, minerals and herbs in the doses that may be needed for optimal health, are under a serious threat.
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Pink Ribbon Propaganda

by Leisa on September 16, 2007

I try very hard to stay away from mainstream media. When I accidently overhear popular radio or catch a few minutes of morning television, I find the general tone of it incredibly patronising to my intelligence, and it seems to cater for an audience that don’t want to think for themselves and enjoy being deliberately
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Here I will be sharing insights on being a Naturopath in a medicalised world, my thoughts, comments and stories about health; recipes; latest research; books I’ve read and many more health related topics.  I can get quite opinionated so what you read here won’t always be politically correct! Who am I?  I am the Naturopath
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