I have had this blog post in the back of my mind for a couple of months now. At the end of the first part of this blog, where we looked at coffee, one of the most commonly consumes ‘health danger’ in our society, I promised to write more on meat, wheat and dairy. Well,
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The other day I popped into a local café to pick up a healthy lunch box. While deciding between a chicken and veggie stack and the sweet potato and chia patties, I over heard two young, super fit girls talking about carbs. One had ordered eggs on toast and was chatting to the chef about
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Today I really wanted to write a blog about my new dentist. And I mean a happy blog, not a scary, horror story, set your teeth on edge blog. I just can’t stop telling people about him so decided to tell you too. He is a young dentist who works under the tag lines
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I think most people have now heard of chia seeds. Even if you don’t eat them, you’ve probably seen them at the health food store, the supermarket, or appearing in foods like protein balls and breads. And many people know they are a ‘healthy’ food, even if exactly how or why they are healthy isn’t
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If you read my last blog post, you’ll know that January for me is all about clean eating. Or at least that was what it was meant to be about. And hey, for that second week of January, I did an excellent job! Then the temperature hit the roof and I didn’t leave the house
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As you can see from the title, this is not a ‘Let’s Set New Year’s Resolutions’ blog. This year I simply can’t face resolutions, or the guilt I’ll feel on breaking them. So I’ve decided to change things up in 2015, do away with resolutions and focus on longer term goals instead! ‘Cause I know
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Just a short rant…I mean blog post… today about some of the wacky ideas floating out there in the social media world. I don’t mean to pick on Health Coaches here, but I do follow quite a few on Instagram, and seriously, their ridiculous concept of nutrition often drives me batty! Today I’m talking about
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It’s a dreary kind of day here today, and after an uncomfortable night sleep I woke feeling a bit worse for wear. Getting ready for work I tend to go into autopilot and just let my thoughts wander, and today they wandered to coffee. As I looked outside at the misty, dull day and felt
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I have recently been reminded just how much more our bodies hold than simple mechanistic feeling. In the past, I have written about the emotional aspects of detoxing, and how emotions and feeling are stored in our body cells just as sure as nutrients and wastes are. Most retreat attendees experience a physical detoxification on
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I know the title of this blog sounds like a band or perhaps a street performer known to live in Byron Bay (oh wait, that’s Salty Rain), but today we are actually looking into the miracle that is salt. I was lucky enough to travel around Australia last year, helping out on the David Wolfe
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