Colonic Irrigation made it into the mainstream media this week – but as usual the article was incredibly one-sided and slammed colonics as being dangerous. It trotted out some old myths and used misinformation to attempt to show that colonics have no benefit whatsoever, and could in fact, harm people’s health. The Daily Mail writes:
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July 2013
Just recently I’ve been listening to a lot of Caroline Myss, and have been really enjoying delving into the concepts of spirituality that she discusses. One of her talks is entitled “Spiritual Madness” and it has deeply resonated with me. It was 25 years ago, when I was in my teens, that I started on
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We often hear loud protests from the medical community that natural medicine is “unscientific” because many nutrients, herbs, foods and therapies have not undergone the Gold Standard for the scientific industry – the double blind placebo controlled trial. Natural medicine, because of it’s holistic quality, can never conform to industry standards because you cannot measure
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Breast cancer has been big news in the media of late. From the controversial (and for me – horrifying) decision of Angelina Jolie to have a preventative mastectomy, to the endless pink ribbon mania and push for more dollars for “cancer research” – now we are hearing more and more about an “alternative” to mastectomies for preventing cancer
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