Are Your Stress Hormones Out Of Control?

by Leisa on May 26, 2012

On this blog I’ve talked quite a bit about adrenal fatigue and what happens when the adrenals can’t keep up with the daily demands of stress and the stress hormone cortisol depletes. One thing I haven’t talked a lot about though, is what happens prior to that when cortisol levels are high and we are pushing the boundaries of what we can cope with.

There are three main stages of stress – the alarm phase (our fight or flight instinct), the resistance phase (the response that allows us to cope with longer periods of stress), and exhaustion, when we just can’t keep up anymore. Each of these phases have different symptoms and hormone patterns. In the resistance phase especially, we may not even realise how much stress we are under, unless we test our hormone balance and reveal what is truly happening in the body.

In resistance, the hormone cortisol rises to allow us to adapt to a situation that requires our focus. We might have to strategise, plan and come up with ideas to take us out of a situation that may be harmful. In nature, we experience this response and the changes that go with it, for a limited period of time. However in the modern world we live in we can experience the resistance phase of stress for decades! The hormones that help us cope and adapt to stress are beneficial for us in the short term, but over the long-term can harm our health.

Excessive cortisol has a number of undesirable effects on the body – symptoms of which include fatigue, lethargy, depression, insomnia, PMS, inflammation and immune dysfunction. Over the long term we see a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. When we are in the resistance phase we have switched off the part of our nervous system which is called ‘rest and digest’, so we see low digestive juices and issues with nutrient absorption, which causes more stress in itself.

Another negative effect from a high cortisol state, is that the sleep hormone melatonin may not be released properly, leading to insomnia.  We are meant to have a beautiful flow of hormones over the day and night, whereby we have a burst of cortisol early in the morning to switch off our sleep hormone and give us energy, and then it will slowly deplete during the day until in the evening, when our melatonin hormone releases, sending us to sleep. This pattern is the way these two hormones are meant to flow, and happens easily and normally, when we are not stressed and able to handle our day to day activities.

When we are stressed though, cortisol can remain high at night, leading to low melatonin levels. Not only can this affect our sleep, but low melatonin can also indicate low levels of serotonin (our mood elevation hormone), as serotonin is the precursor to melatonin production.  Low serotonin is related to disorders of consumption (alcoholism, bulimia, anorexia), mood, sleep, anxiety, thought (OCD), learning, memory, sexual activity, aggression, & suicidality.

So there are stages of stress that can be measured before we hit exhaustion!  Being aware of our stress levels is very important in preventing both short-term and long-term health disorders. Exercise is important in managing stress levels, as is regular meditation, a whole foods diet, eliminating stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol and healing our emotional wounds and traumas. Eating in a resting state helps our digestive system, as does ensuring that we are well hydrated.

One of the most important ways that I assess cortisol levels is through Saliva Hormone analysis. These tests show the pattern of cortisol over the day and night to get an accurate representation of exactly what is happening with the cortisol levels, and therefore what level of stress the person is under, and how their body is really coping. We can pick up a stress response biochemically, that may not show up in symptoms for months, if not years.

Here is an example report of high cortisol levels – the levels are meant to be 25 of a morning, lowering to 15 by lunch time, 7 of an evening and 2 of a night – you can see from these results that cortisol is out of control!

Saliva Hormone Testing is the most accurate way to measure the pattern of cortisol levels (as well as many other hormones), and my saliva hormone testing service now has new and improved features:

  • The 25 page hormone analysis report now includes an easier to read and understand summary
  • The report includes an easy to read and follow supplement schedule for correcting imbalances
  • We now supply products, so no hunting for what you need at the local health food store
  • A half hour phone consultation is included to review your report with a qualified Naturopath and to answer any questions you may have
  • Discounts apply if you choose to enroll in a three month naturopathic support program

All of these upgrades are included in the original price of $347! Don’t hesitate! If you have been suffering with any issues related to stress, order your kit today and find some REAL answers for yourself. Much more information and online ordering can be found at:



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6 commentsAdd comment

Dr. Vaughan Dabbs May 29, 2012 at 5:06 pm

Thanks for the good read. I’ve been reading your other posts and I have to say that they are impressive.

Leisa July 12, 2012 at 5:20 am

Thank you so much! Appreciate your feedback.

Gina August 1, 2012 at 4:19 pm

This is very helpful, I lost my mom in September right around that time my Hormones begin to act up. My cycle stop for 2 months then return once never to be seen again until alittle spotting as of yesterday 7/31/12. I’m dealing with all of the above, to a point that I have stop working out, go to work come get in the bed, I eat pretty health although I an still gaining weight or just blotted. I am some what depressed missing my mother as well.
Reading this page did make a difference, my plan is to get back in the gym, asap I do believe tht will help me. I do not like feeling this way so I prey I can pull out of it.

Thank you!

Muhammad August 11, 2012 at 12:32 am

Stress become so dangerous in these days. It creating heart problems which leads to many problems. It is really helpful to read this article. Medsempire Muhammad

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