As much as I love raw food and the results people get when they introduce more high quality organic raw foods and superfoods into their diets – what I also love just as much, are the results people get when they explore their emotional side, and the positive impact this work can have on their health.
As I wrote in my blog post Raw Food Perfectionism: “This is why my tagline is “healing is a journey, not just a raw food diet” because I wholeheartedly believe that health is more than just the physical body. It is about having within you, love, kindness, compassion, grace, joy, and appreciation, and expressing those beautiful traits outwards so that you become a walking, talking, shining example of health on all levels.”
In both healing, and in living a great life, I find that you cannot separate the mind and the body – to me, having a strong, healthy physical body, but being plagued by negative thoughts, anxieties and fear-based thinking, isn’t true health. True health is being able to embrace life and live it fully, without fear, and sharing the gifts that we all have inherently, when we drop the baggage and heal our wounds. None of us get through life unscathed, we’ve all had our share of traumas and hurts, it’s how we choose to view what has happened to us, and how we choose to live each day, that matters.
One of my goals, is to live in a state of abundance in as many areas as I can in my life. I choose to seek abundance wherever I can, not with an attitude of greed, or “give me more”, but with an appreciation of the natural abundance of life, and with the knowledge that the more I have (of love, friends, money, success, food, health) the more I have to give and to share with others. Having a feeling of overflowing abundance is a beautiful state to live in, and one that brings with it a natural state of grace and gratitude for the gifts that appear in my life. And part of that is not that I actually have “more” than others, but I make a choice every day, to see and appreciate what abundance I have around me – and it is a choice – like the old adage of the cup being half full or half empty – I choose to see my cup as absolutely overflowing, not just full
This is never more obvious in my life, when I run a retreat. The amazing connections we share, the experience we have together, is one that I treasure, and inspired this poetic Facebook comment after my last retreat in Busselton in November, and describes as closely as I can get with words, as to how I feel:
“I am grateful. I am so totally humbled. I am down on my knees giving thanks for all the abundance of blessings and love that I have in my life. I am overwhelmed with gratitude, with tears of humility streaming down my face that I am so privileged to share this healing journey with so many beautiful souls. I am overflowing with the bliss of life, I feel the power of the universe flowing through me and I am high on its delicious essence. Love is all there is and I am bathing in it. ?”
Where can you find the abundance in your life, and what are you endlessly grateful for?
2 commentsAdd comment
Yes you are so right. WE ALL should give thanks for the abundance we have and not look at what we feel we dont have. Just to get through each day can be abundance when you compare seriously ill people who may not see tomorrow. For love – you can only give out love when your heart overflows. Until it does you will mostly feel needy. Consider what do we need each day ? It’s not money. Think – when you die you cannot take one cent with you.
Dear Noel, thank so much for writing and confirming what I was saying in my post. To live in a place of gratitude and love each day is a choice we make, and one that can bring a huge benefit to our lives and those of those around us. Keep up the great work Noel, the world needs more like you!