Angela Stokes of RawReform had a great competition going on her website where she asked people to write in and answer the question: “”If you were to live on just one raw food for 30 days, which food would you choose and why…?” and the winning response from a lady named Sarah Fabry is below!
“If I could have only ONE raw food for 30 days it would be…
“I Loooove them. They are so versatile – I can juice them (with a little knuckle of ginger), then use the pulp in the dehydrator to make carrot crackers. The pulp is also wonderful in raw carrot cakes. I slice them into skinny sticks, or nibble them whole, and try to get to the paler orange “icicle” inside. I slice them into chips, dust with celtic sea salt and dehydrate them to make “car-ackers”. I spiralize them for noooodles, or shave them with the vegetable peeler for fettuccini. Grated? Yup. You can even glide a fork down the sides of a big carrot, them slice into circles, and you get little carrot flowers. Vitamin A powerhouses! They give my skin a sunny tinge. What more could I ask for? Carrots have been very good to me, and I am good to them. The green frilly tops go into the juicer too (just not the “nub” at the top where the enzyme inhibitor live) and give me a ZIP! Carrots are my friends, and if I needed them, they’d be there for me.”
…and if you’re curious to know which other foods people said they’d choose to live on exclusively for 30 days, here’s a list of the top ten choices, in reverse order:
10. Kale
9. Blueberries
8. Pineapple
7. Spinach
6. Mangoes
5. Apples
4. Watermelon
3. Bananas
2. Avocado
1. Coconuts :)”
If I had just one food to live on for thirty days I think I would have to go with the majority and choose coconuts! Although I think after thirty days I would probably never want to see a coconut again! What would you choose?
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