Green Smoothie Challenge!

by Leisa on September 14, 2008

The Green Smoothie Challenge is on again!  Being run by Anand and Runi from Raw Power – they have set up the GSC as a two week challenge to drink a litre of green smoothies every day.  Great as an introduction to raw food for new people, but also a great challenge for those of us that are old hands at it!

I have been invited to be a guest naturopath and answer health questions on the Green Smoothie forum, so there are some great questions and answers there – not just on health, but on all sorts of things to do with green smoothies. Anand is answering lots of questions and is a great authority on the subject.

Check it out at and register to get on the e-mail list and so that you can log in to the forum area.

On another note, I’m sitting here at Nirvana Luxor Resort typing away on my laptop as we’re getting ready to launch the first of my Embracing Life! Retreats.  I am incredibly excited and am looking foward to a great week!  I will keep you updated during the week as to how it’s all going and I’ll hopefully be able to load some pictures of what we’re up to as well!



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1 commentAdd comment

Kristen's Raw September 15, 2008 at 12:53 am

Green smoothies are great!

I’m off to make a delicious and simple banana and spinach green smoothie with maybe a little raw carob thrown in for fun.


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