Green For Life!

by Leisa on January 28, 2008

Green smoothies are my new obsession, and although I’ve known about them for a long time, it’s only just recently that I’ve included them as a daily part of life.

I have been guilty of what many raw foodists tend to do with food, and that is lean very heavily towards fats in the diet.  We definitely need a percentage of good healthy fat, but when you are eating avocado, nuts, seeds, tahini, nut butters, dips, flax crackers and coconut every day, a VERY high proportion of your calories can be coming from fat.  Too much fat of any kind, even if it is “good fat” is not a healthy thing.

One area that a lot of us do fall down on, is the amount of green leafy veggies that we eat.  Because they’re not the most tasty of foods, and they take quite a lot of chewing, often all we have is a few mouthfuls of lettuce in a salad.

Victoria Boutenko wrote a book called Green for Life and in there she details why we need to increase our consumption of greens, and she provides us with an easy and tasty way to do it.

In a nutshell you fill a blender with whatever leafy greens you have on hand – cos lettuce, spinach, watercress, celery, baby spinach leaves etc and then you add some fruit such as a couple of bananas or about four peaches; add water and then blend.

Even though it is green (!), because of the fruit it tastes quite good, and we can fit in a lot more greens this way, then we would ever eat if we sat down to them on a plate.  Green are considered quite neutral in food combining, and blending fruit with green leafy vegetables makes it easy to digest and absorb the nutrients.

It’s a great way to increase your consumption of greens and is also a neat way to get children to “have their greens”.  In the book there are many recipes for different flavours and combinations – but my favourite one is using several peaches in with the greens.  You’ll have to just try it for yourself to see how good they are!



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2 commentsAdd comment

Ilka Chapman December 22, 2012 at 8:37 am

I would like the recipe for the Green Smoothie and cant see where to download it..
Could you please send it to me?
Kind regards

Leisa January 13, 2013 at 10:50 pm

Hi Ilka,
You can download the recipe from this blog page


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